Saturday, October 4, 2008


i'll tell you about it...

Change, most of the time occurs as a challenge to people. Those that don’t want to be challenged avoid change but those that are open-minded and would want to improve themselves, heartily welcome change.

What is change?

Change as defined by is the passing from one phase to another or to alter by substituting something else for or by giving up for something else like changing intention or changing occupation.

Change in the positive way can also be development. It is characterized by the 3 Ps, purposeful, planned and progressive.

Change to be effective has to have a purpose, what is its reason for being, what will be its contribution in the end. Purposeful is directional, with a clear path to follow. Targets and objectives are to be comprehensible and understandable so as not to have conflicts in what road to follow. Purpose is the guide for change, the moment it’s not clear, a happy ending isn’t likely to happen.

The second characteristic, planned is where a pre meditation process of how the change will start, be implemented and accepted is done. In planning, possible consequences of the change has also been thought upon and proposed with a solution. A well-planned development has an orderly progression of activities and tasks that allows no shortcuts and demands a disciplined execution.

The constant evaluation and monitoring of change /development is done to check the progress of the activity. We call it progressive if a noticeable positive result is the outcome of the evaluations. A progressive change meant that higher levels of learning or perfection were internalized by the person or a group of individuals.


Gelatin said...

my first entry... actually it's part of the content of my finals paper in Ed 209... MA in curriculum development.

Gelatin said...

panimulang praktis lang hehe