Friday, January 24, 2020

Twisted Realities of the Present

Ever felt like being in the height of your own feelings and emotions, 
you feel like you are the  Center of all energy
and all that gravity is pulling you away from what you wholeheartledly decided to Love and protect

so you crash your Angel wings
crumple the halo
push out your devil horns
and set all your bodily thorns
ready to strike at every blaze of fire thrown

Well... I think I had, in the past
When I was younger 
Good thing I now know better

And it’s disorienting to see someone Go through something like that

I see her in the mindset of thinking that what she’s doing is right
That her family does not deserve any apology from her end
That she is better off being with this someone she just met than going home to her own family 

Its infuriating to think of the Selfishness behind these actions
Oh I just hope she’ll come around soon on her own realization
I hope pride Will not take its toll...
Parents do not deserve going through their grown up child’s foolish childish selfish decisions 

Im never the person good at meddling with other’s stuff even if I find it Wrong... anyway I don’t think it will do any good even if I push myself to, 
It is clearly not gonna work 
Given Her present twisted reality.

Dawa... Avek dana 😊

(Mindset : pissed at someone’s immaturity then I thought hey, I was once that person)

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